Broker Check
It's all about Community Support!

It's all about Community Support!

| April 03, 2017

Over the month of March, Story Wealth Management Group held a "Give What You Can" Donation Drive to support the recent storm victims of the local community of Albany, GA. I'm pleased to say that our can donation drive was a success and we appreciate all those within our communities that donated during this drive! You can never predict when uncertainty or tragedy will occur; however, with the strength of a community, there is a greater chance of strong recovery and hope. 

As I drove through Albany, GA to deliver the donated goods to New Birth Fellowship Church, I was reminded of how grateful I am to have the things in life I have; a home, family, food, love, and support! As Albany tries to restore things back to normal let us all be mindful of those that have lost the things in life that we are most grateful for. Support one another and our local communities for they are the future of our children, grandchildren, and local economy. 

